Alex Kendall

Wayve's Alex Kendall on Outlook For Self-Driving Car Software

RAAIS 2024 - Alex Kendall, Co-founder & CEO, Wayve

Can we compete with AI?

Alex Kendall (Co-Founder and CEO of Wayve) on how embodied AI is the next frontier.

Wayve's CEO Alex Kendall on the State of European Tech

Alex Kendall: The Road to Embodied AI

Alix Kendall rides into retirement after 25 years

Why Tech Titans Invested $1 Billion In This First-Time Founder's Self-Driving Car Software Company

[CVPR'24 WAD] Keynote - Alex Kendall, Wayve

Fox 9 anchor gets 'You need to lose 10 pounds' letter

Ex-pat Kiwi Alex Kendall on the future of AI and self-drive cars

Alex Kendall on partnering with tech companies for compute power

Goodbye, Kendall Mark. FOX 9 will miss you!

[CVPR'21 WAD] Keynote - Alex Kendall, Wayve

Wayve | Disrupting Autonomous Driving | Tech Exceptions

Build a $1 Billion Business In Your 20s!

Alix Kendall announces retirement from FOX 9 Morning News

[CVPR'20 Workshop on Scalability in Autonomous Driving] Keynote - Alex Kendall

Alix Kendall shares some news

Season 2 | On the DL with Alex Kendall

Surprise Good Day guests for Alix Kendall

Alix Kendall surprised by daughter on last day

Dr Alex Kendall tries to outplay WALL-E

Wayve Begins US Test Rollout